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 Cancer horoscope 2023: your year under the sign of Venus

It is obvious, the year 2023, for people of the sign Cancer, will rhyme with serene love. Cupid will be omnipresent to, with his arrow, give color to confirmed couples and allow singles to change their sentimental situation. Professional activity will also have honors. And since health problems will be almost absent, all you have to do is take advantage of them. Without moderation!

Horoscope for the first quarter of 2023

The first quarter will be unsurprising. No positive or negative event is announced by the stars. The Cancer that you are will resume its activities enjoying the routine of work, the monotony of everyday life. As soon as you leave the office, you will have only one desire: to caulk at home, warm and surrounded by your loved ones. We can report, at the beginning of the year, some difficulties located at the level of digestion but this will certainly be due to the excesses of the end-of-year holidays. They will fade away very quickly and everything will return to normal. So the year 2023 will start quietly.

Second quarter 2023 horoscope

Is it spring and the sun that will awaken your ardor in the sentimental field? Certainly, but the presence of Venus in your sky will not be foreign to the awakening of your body and your most intimate desires. Very sensual, you will want to go back to conquer your partner, to rekindle the flame that unites you. It will be the same for singles who will seek to multiply meetings in the hope of finding the soul mate. During this second trimester, changes will occur at work and this will galvanize you. As for health, you will forget it as your shape will be optimal.

Third quarter 2023 horoscope

During this third trimester, you will continue to reinvent your relationship. During the summer, you will do everything in your power to be able to spend one-on-one time with your spouse, even if it means leaving the children with their grandparents. At the same time, you will be inflamed for the changes that have occurred in your work. Opportunities will be seized and you will take advantage of the summer season to prepare and organize your strategy. The stars are particularly active during this period, which is usually quite calm in the professional field. In September, at the beginning of the school year, you will work hard.

Horoscope for the fourth quarter of 2023

In this last quarter of the year 2023, you will coo in the alcove with your partner, date as soon as an opportunity arises. You will experience an unusual osmosis under the envious eye of your friends. In the professional field, you will be like a rooster in paste. Creative, responsive, dynamic, you will put all your energy to achieve your goals. The results obtained will live up to your expectations, or even more! You have understood, you will end this year wanting to pinch yourself as the stars will be favorable to you. Work, family, money, health, love, all the lights will be green.

CANCER HOROSCOPE FOR THE YEAR 2023. Is 2023 a good year for Cancer? What year is the luckiest for Cancer? Cancer 2023 horoscope career. 2023 Cancer love horoscope. Astrostage horoscope. Predictions.


"There is no love that is always happy"; this quote from Claude Roy, you will sweep it out of hand as you will swim in happiness alongside your partner during this year 2023. You will be inseparable. Lover, friend, confidant, each will be present and will be attentive to the other.

If you are single, a very nice meeting will surprise you. It will appear between April and May under the triumphant gaze of Venus. This new person will surprise you with his nonconformism. It will bring you a real breath of fresh air and shatter all your principles, all your certainties about love. A serious relationship will start slowly but surely.

Labour and Finance

If this year 2023 will be the theater of love for Cancer, the professional field will not be left out. You will take advantage of all opportunities and manage to think outside the box to obtain results that will delight your hierarchy. Expect a promotion and salary increase. Your finances will improve from September. If you are looking for a job, rejoice, your quest should end before the end of the year. You will be in contact with a potential employer as early as April but obviously delays will slow down your ascent. It is only after the summer that everything can be contractualized. You will finally be able to stabilize yourself.

Health and Fitness

If your sky announces small health problems in autumn, surely due to changes in seasons and temperature drops, rest assured, you will enjoy an insolent shape all year round. Well aware of being privileged over many, you will maintain yourself to maintain this well-being and optimal shape. Full of enthusiasm, you will be very active and will try to train your life partner (or your friends or even your children) in your sports activities. Be careful, however, not to overdo it! Not everyone will have your iron health.

Family and Social life

This is a busy social life that awaits you in this year 2023. Certainly you will prefer romantic outings but that will not prevent you from joining, sometimes, your friends to remake the world around a drink (or even several ...). Your success in all areas will also make you want to reconnect with old acquaintances. Isn't it exhilarating when you have a sense of overall success in your life? Anyway, the presence of Jupiter in your sign will only accentuate your generosity and sociability. We will ask for your presence and you will not complain.

The 2023 predictions of the sign Cancer according to its ascendant

Aries ascending Cancer

Your imagination will still make you go crazy during this year 2020. It is time for you to stick to reality. It is here and nowhere else that you will manage to improve your daily life.

Cancer Ascending Taurus

Without balance, without serenity in your home, the Cancer that you are is lost. That is why, in this year 2023, you will be particularly attentive to this balance and will do everything to maintain it, especially if you are a parent.

Gemini ascendant Cancer

Your moody side will be exacerbated in 2023. This will make it difficult for you to interact, whether in the professional field or at the level of your personal sphere. The time has come for you to neglect your inner world to open yourself to sharing.

Cancer Ascending Cancer

Your sign makes you sensitive to artistic expressions. Your ascendant, in this year 2023, will lead you to question your ability to make it your main activity. How about giving it a shot? The stars encourage you to do so.

Leo ascending cancer

Your stomach – which is the Achilles' heel of all Cancer signs – will cause you some problems during this year 2023. It is high time that you take to heart the management of your emotions and, of course, the quality of your diet.

Virgo ascending cancer

A beautiful meeting will allow you to evolve, progress, reinvent yourself. It will not last – which you will be perfectly aware of – but you will benefit from its contributions of positive energy. And you'll be right!

Cancer Ascendant Libra

You are going to have some professional opportunities. But will you really want to grasp them? Isn't it having a loving family and a harmonious home that guides you through life? Don't take a stand against social pressure.

Cancer Ascendant Scorpio

Your celibacy will particularly weigh on you during this year 2023. Does this mean you won't have any opportunities? Of course not, but maybe you are too selective? Learn to better discover your suitors before condemning them.

Cancer Ascending Sagittarius

It is at the level of your relationship, especially at work, that you will have to progress in this year 2023. You convey, indeed, a mysterious side that questions your employees. Try to appear more accessible to them.

Capricorn ascendant cancer

If you are single, you will look for your soul mate in the virtual world of seduction. But be careful not to fall addicted to dating sites. This tool must lead you to go out, to meet and not to stay cloistered at home in front of your screen.

Cancer Ascending Aquarius

A misunderstanding will create some tension in your couple. It should not be taken lightly and remove your partner's doubts very quickly. Otherwise, the situation will escalate at high speed.

Cancer Ascending Pisces

One of your major concerns during this year 2023 will be to give back to your couple its letters of nobility. Ideas full head, you will show initiative to organize beautiful evenings full of romanticism but also eroticism.

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